I spent a lot of time researching how to crochet over rope. I found instructions showing how to do it, however not how to start it. I finally found a video in Portuguese that showed how to begin the process. I made this basket and a 2 part video tutorial about a year ago. I have so many new subscribers and followers on YouTube as well as Facebook, Rag Rugs by Erin, I felt I should bring it to the forefront. This was a super fun project and much easier than it looks. Perhaps some of you that have made one of these or makes one in the near future would email me a photo or 2 of your basket and I will share your basket and name on my Facebook page. You all have so much talent and unique ideas and I love seeing and sharing them with others. Here is the link for the 2 video Playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAEHBqI5JB7YS0oQsGiUaew_3adER2wEY
Please email me at ragrugsbyerin@gmail.com for ideas or suggestions you would like clarification or information about. Perhaps you will see it in another Rag Rugs by Erin Blog.
Follow me on Facebook: Rag Rugs by Erin
Website: www.ragrugsbyerin.com
Follow or subscribe to Erin Halvorsen on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/ErinHalvorsen
Until next time happy rag rugging!