Can Making a Rag Rug Be Therapy for a Brain?

Can Making a Rag Rug Be Therapy for a Brain?

It is time for me to share another great rag rug story.  Tracy from Ohio now living in Ontario had a stroke and turned to rag rug making for part of her recovery therapy. Tracy has shared with me in a few emails. Tracy writes:

"By all means use in your blog, I think that's great. It is therapy and for others who know someone who has TBI or stroke, I hope they try it. I am going to ask to speak at the local Stroke recovery groups. Every step no matter how big or small is one step toward recovery.

I  wanted to say Thank you for your videos.  I have always been artsy craftsy since as far back as I can remember.  Macramé, crochet, embroidery, tatting you name it.   I did alterations and made wedding dresses for 20 years.  I had a stroke in Oct and much to my dismay I have forgotten how to do most of them and a slight weakness in my hand makes holding things an issue.
Let me tell you I was very upset, with more time on hands than I know what to do with and tried till I got migraines.  My daughter suggested try something new, it will be therapy for the brain.  We decided to weave.  Pot holders to start, then on to rugs with a 3.00 homemade loom.  At first I would need help every few minutes, then at the end.  I got to a row at a time before I would be lost. Then it was just turns that required help.
That got old fast so I tried twining, that took a lot of video watching.
My new goal was 5 strand braid.  I have made all my rugs out of denim I had tons.  I have saved all the seams.  I did my braid out of seams.  You have to sew to add on but with carpet twist and patience I am doing it.  No it won't win for being gorgeous but for a mud room it will be great.
Every time I put it down I have to relearn with the video but I watch less and less of it each time.
Again Thanks.   I will tackle crochet again too.

 finished the rug like your video and maybe with the denim it just was too abrupt.   My daughter sugested I try gradual, or drag it out.  This worked.

 I wove off #5 then did two 4 strand braids.  I wove off #4 then did two 3 strand braids, then wove off #3 etc.

 Thanks again for the videos

Not only did Tracy make an absolutely gorgeous rag rug by anyone's standards.  She with the help of a smart daughter made improvements to the way to finish the rug.  She is an inspiration to me and hope to others. Making, creating and using our brain's by rug making (weaving or crocheting) will help to keep our brains healthy and happy.  Way to go Tracy!!!

This is the address for the playlist "Lost Art of the Braid-in Rag Rug" it is a 4 strand oval rag rug.

This is the address for the playlist for the "5 Strand Runner (Rectangle) Rag" Rug  

Please email me at for ideas or suggestions you would like clarification or information about.  Perhaps you will see it in another Rag Rugs by Erin Blog.

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Until next time happy rag rugging!



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lovely rug !!!

j ratchford

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