My Favorite Rag Rug to Make

My Favorite Rag Rug to Make

We all have our favorites and I wanted to share mine with you. The Bumpy Country Road rag rug is still at present my favorite rag rug to make.  It is not a rug that you want to attempt as your first rag rug, unless you are already a crocheter.  I love the look and it progresses quickly as well.  The one featured here has those great fall colors too. The link below is for the 3 part tutorial playlist.  If you can't just click it please copy and paste it in your address bar.  The playlist is on my YouTube page as well.  Thanks for reading and if you live in the northern hemisphere as I do I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather.


Please email me at for ideas or suggestions you would like clarification or information about.  Perhaps you will see it in another Rag Rugs by Erin Blog.

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Until next time happy rag rugging!



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When you make a rug out of t-shirts, do you stretch the yarn strips before crocheting?

Dolores H Rawson

Very pretty. I enjoy your tutorials. Thank you.

Dolores H Rawson

Very pretty. I enjoy your tutorials. Thank you.

Dolores H Rawson

I will have to agree with you. Of all I like it the most the Caribbean Breeze next of all the ones I have made.

Pamela N Bagdonas

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